What people are saying

  • "Yummy Background layers was just that, YUMMY! This is a course I revisit often when I am in need of a refresher. There is so much wonderful content in the course from collage, gelli plating, texture mediums and beyond. If provides a wealth of information that is guaranteed to use all your supplies! " - Celise

  • "Transparent layers workshop really got me started with mixed media. The techniques I learned in this workshop I continue to use today. Shawn is a great teacher and explains each step so well" - Linda

  • I've taken just about all of Shawn's workshops. She is a great teacher, very patiently explains the step and WHY she's doing what she's doing. She has helped me find my joy again with created mixed media. I recommend any of her classes. - Judy


Hi, I'm Shawn Petite.
I create to Inspire creative souls just like you...

I’m a mixed media artist and I’ve been teaching and painting for over 30 years in many different mediums, but found my art soul mate in mixed media.

But most importantly, I try everyday to encourage and inspire and to show love with my paint brush. To hopefully leave my little corner of the world a better place.

My favorite quote: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

I can’t wait to create with you!
