Are you ready to create from a place of joy and gratitude?

Let's create daily reminders of what to focus on, what brings us joy and create in a fun and curious way.

Just $47.00 for 8 hours of videos and 30 Lessons

In this workshop we'll take steps to be mindful about joy and gratitude..... and start remembering the things we need to hear most.

  • Journaling our thought on joy and gratitude
  • Taking time to tell ourselves what we need to hear most
  • Using those words to create everyday inspiration cards.
  • How to make a concertina book
  • How to make a mantra sheet
  • How to make a master board
  • Easy and fun ways to create collage paper
  • Simple gel print techniques and option if you don't have one
  • Collecting collage papers that reflect who we are and what we love
  • Non-traditional ways to create expressively
  • A fun way to approach color
  • Learning to let go and paint with freedom


  • Over 7 hours of video instruction

  • Over 27 lessons with warm up and 3 full projects

  • Discussion area to ask one on one questions

  • Each video is closed captioned and a transcript for your notes

  • Each video is downloadable and available on on devices

  • This workshop is self paced with instant access and yours for life. Non refundable

Most of the supplies used in this workshop

Course curriculum

    1. Finding your words

    1. Finding your colors

    1. Finding your collage papers and options part 1

    2. Collage papers part 2

    3. Collage papers part 3

    4. Collage Papers to Download

    1. project 1 part 1

    2. Project 1 part 2

    3. Project 1 part 3

    4. Project 1 part 4

    5. Project 1 Part 5

    6. Project 1 Part 6

About this course

  • $47.00
  • 30 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content

Artist/Creative Soul Shawn Petite

Well Hello There! And thank you for allowing me to join you on your creative journey! My name is Shawn Petite and I’m a mixed media artist. I've been teaching and creating for over 26 years in many different mediums but found my art soulmate in mixed media. One of my greatest joys is to know that I've encouraged YOU on your path to creativity. My favorite quote: I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. " Maya Angelou Let's have fun creating together!