Then this is your place to get your grunge on!

Join me in a journey of exploration, collecting, rusting, layering and yummy texture

All the project we'll do in this workshop

  • How to rust all kinds of items
  • How to make your own texture paste/ground
  • What a wash and rub are and how they work for layering
  • Faux encaustic
  • Beeswax layering
  • Untraditional rule-breaking encaustic perfect for beginners (But you don't have to do encaustic, I give you lots of options)
  • Creative ways to use things from the trash
  • Balance and composition
  • Color mixing
  • Stitching
  • Learning to create on any substrate
  • How to seal and finish your projects

I give you lots of options to use what you have, to create with or without encaustic. Each piece is customizable to work within you budget and the treasures that you have!


  • Over 5 hours of instruction

  • Over 30 lessons and 6 full projects and 2 warm up projects

  • Discussion area to ask questions and share your work

  • Closed captions and transcript for each video

  • Each video is downloadable and available on all devices

  • Self paced, instant access and yours for life

Check out all the lessons below

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome and how to get the most from this workshop

    1. Supplies over view part 1

    2. Supplies overview part 2

    1. Mixing our color palette

    1. Making a water solution to rust things

    2. How to make anything look rusty with paint

    3. How to age or rust fabric with paint

    1. Making your own texture paste or encaustic ground

    1. How to do a wash and a rub

About this course

  • $57.00
  • 33 lessons
  • 10 hours of video content

Artist/Creative Soul Shawn Petite

Well Hello There! And thank you for allowing me to join you on your creative journey! My name is Shawn Petite and I’m a mixed media artist. I've been teaching and creating for over 26 years in many different mediums but found my art soulmate in mixed media. One of my greatest joys is to know that I've encouraged YOU on your path to creativity. My favorite quote: I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. " Maya Angelou Let's have fun creating together!

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